Monday, June 29, 2009

Red Cap Love { joie! }

I have been having a Crafting Love Affair with said fly agaric faery 'shroom for going on weeks(well, months, really)now. Napkins are oh so more delightfull, when they've a mushroom or oak leaf upon them ;-). The little sachets were made for a local all natural kids shop, and are stuffed with organic lavender.

But pins. Oh, I've been sewing and sewing(and gratefully, selling and selling) lots and lots of little fly agaric pins! The felt is made from 50% recycled plastic bottles, and the innards are shtuffed with 50% cotton, and 50% non gmo spun corn fiber. And all of their little backs are from different lovely cotton remnants from other Crafty goodness projects.

Two pins, have actually made it into said Luminous-y Etsy shop..


and here:

Fantabulous Day, peoples!

Remember to Consciously count your blessings, as the shit things are quite good at counting themselves. ;-)


Friday, June 26, 2009

Lavender lovely-ness...

So I am loving the heck out of the summery, warm days :-). Hurrah!

Wanted to show you some snap shots of life for me over the past week... I went and helped out a lovely farmer on her organic flower and herb farm for a couple of days. She specializes in growing yummy varieties of English lavenders! So I'm blessed up to here with gorgeous, amazing, organic lavender products-fresh bouquets, dried bouquets, dried buds, hydrosol and essential oil!- at the moment, and have been in the kitchen, throwin' it inta near 'bout everything ;-)

First off, I just finished watching my friend's 4 1/2 yr old girl and 6 yr old boy for a couple of hours. For 1st lunch, I made us all some japanese style rice salad. For 2nd lunch(yes...Hobbitses..), I made us some miniature organic buckwheat pancakes, topped with some of the organic huckleberry jam(from said lavender farm) pictured below, with young mr. chipmunk:

Here's some fresh hidcote, munstead, and a pink varieties of lavender, in one of my lovely tea-for-two tea pots in my kitchen window:

And earlier in the week, in the midst of making not one, but two batches of fresh granola! The "everyday" granola I make is hazelnut and vanilla(No sugar. I use either honey or maple syrup, depending on what's on hand), and then I tried out a new "specialty" granola, for use with yougurt or ice cream and the like- Lavender and dark chocolate! It was quite strong right out the oven, but once it cooled, and the flavors mellowed a bit, it is quite delicious!!:

Sending you all Delightfull vibes, for Delightfull summer days...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I, too, have been bitten by the Silhouette art bug...

Here, in the Raven King/Queen countryside, I have been juxtaposing between "light" and "dark" art. After a couple of weeks of sewing little fly agaric mushroom plushies and pins, my Heart turned to some darker art, and some Silhouettes were born.

"Crow" is a paper cut Silhouette, mounted on white medium weight sketch pad paper, and framed-sans glass- in one of the many Lovely vintage frames I got last week, and decidedly painted a nice Victorian Black.

"Free". Ink on paper.

The Silhouettes spread("Free", "The Raven King", "Oh, Deer" and "Crow", respectively.), on my wee table at the Missoula Made Fair, this past Sunday. It was great to be showing/vending at a juried fair again. I was really quite impressed at the quality, quantity and range of the Artists there. And happy to be counted amongst them....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Raven Queen in the Countryside....

So I've been gone, baby, gone from this blog for almost 3 months! With good reason, however. In my last post I talked of Dreaming on Hearts and Homes. Well, I whisked myself off from NYC, to the countryside of Missoula, Montana(!). At least for this summer(a move to California is still in the "most likelies" column). :-)

I am currently living on 20 acres of land, with 3 Horses, 1 dog, and 6 chickens. And some humans, ta boot :-). Here is a wee glance in what Daily Life looks like for me at the mo':

Baby ducks, at the next door organic farm, glancing into a humoungous cage, that at the time of the photo, was filled with more than a hundred baby chickens :-)

Danny and gus, here at the house:

And I am back to the Crafty Goodness of making my Fay Art. Here's a Lovely picture of the Raven King pillow. Made of delicious recycled cotton from India, black tulle, and organic pink roses and lavender flowers:

"Welcome Back!" Says I, to Me, to You. this Blog, that is....
