Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I, too, have been bitten by the Silhouette art bug...

Here, in the Raven King/Queen countryside, I have been juxtaposing between "light" and "dark" art. After a couple of weeks of sewing little fly agaric mushroom plushies and pins, my Heart turned to some darker art, and some Silhouettes were born.

"Crow" is a paper cut Silhouette, mounted on white medium weight sketch pad paper, and framed-sans glass- in one of the many Lovely vintage frames I got last week, and decidedly painted a nice Victorian Black.

"Free". Ink on paper.

The Silhouettes spread("Free", "The Raven King", "Oh, Deer" and "Crow", respectively.), on my wee table at the Missoula Made Fair, this past Sunday. It was great to be showing/vending at a juried fair again. I was really quite impressed at the quality, quantity and range of the Artists there. And happy to be counted amongst them....

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