Friday, June 26, 2009

Lavender lovely-ness...

So I am loving the heck out of the summery, warm days :-). Hurrah!

Wanted to show you some snap shots of life for me over the past week... I went and helped out a lovely farmer on her organic flower and herb farm for a couple of days. She specializes in growing yummy varieties of English lavenders! So I'm blessed up to here with gorgeous, amazing, organic lavender products-fresh bouquets, dried bouquets, dried buds, hydrosol and essential oil!- at the moment, and have been in the kitchen, throwin' it inta near 'bout everything ;-)

First off, I just finished watching my friend's 4 1/2 yr old girl and 6 yr old boy for a couple of hours. For 1st lunch, I made us all some japanese style rice salad. For 2nd lunch(yes...Hobbitses..), I made us some miniature organic buckwheat pancakes, topped with some of the organic huckleberry jam(from said lavender farm) pictured below, with young mr. chipmunk:

Here's some fresh hidcote, munstead, and a pink varieties of lavender, in one of my lovely tea-for-two tea pots in my kitchen window:

And earlier in the week, in the midst of making not one, but two batches of fresh granola! The "everyday" granola I make is hazelnut and vanilla(No sugar. I use either honey or maple syrup, depending on what's on hand), and then I tried out a new "specialty" granola, for use with yougurt or ice cream and the like- Lavender and dark chocolate! It was quite strong right out the oven, but once it cooled, and the flavors mellowed a bit, it is quite delicious!!:

Sending you all Delightfull vibes, for Delightfull summer days...


1 comment:

Shylotus said...

My favorite. Mmmmmmmm....

I could swim in Lavender. The photos are lovely and yummy!!!
